The Sandwich Public Schools expects that all members of the school community will treat each other in a civil manner and with respect for differences. The district is committed to an ongoing partnership with parents and the community to establish a positive school climate that is safe for all students.
The district is working to provide all students with a safe learning environment that is free from bullying and cyberbullying. This commitment is an integral part of our comprehensive efforts to promote learning, and to prevent and eliminate all forms of bullying and other harmful and disruptive behavior that can impede the learning process.
The Sandwich Public Schools Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan was revised in the spring of 2022. The plan was presented for public comment at a School Committee Meeting on June 15, 2022. The Plan is comprehensive, and includes definitions for terms associated with bullying, information about training, professional development, resources and services. The plan describes the policies and procedure for reporting and responding to bullying or retaliation.
“Bullying” is defined in a very particular way, and our understanding of bullying and its impact has been growing over the past decade.