Report an Incident

Reporting Bullying

The Sandwich Public Schools expects that all members of the school community will treat each other in a civil manner and with respect for differences.  The district is committed to an ongoing partnership with parents and the community to establish a positive school climate that is safe for all students. 

The district is working to provide all students with a safe learning environment that is free from bullying and cyberbullying.  This commitment is an integral part of our comprehensive efforts to promote learning, and to prevent and eliminate all forms of bullying and other harmful and disruptive behavior that can impede the learning process.  

The Sandwich Public Schools Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan was revised in the spring of 2022.  The plan was presented for public comment at a School Committee Meeting on June 15, 2022. The Plan is comprehensive, and includes definitions for terms associated with bullying, information about training, professional development, resources and services. The plan describes the policies and procedure for reporting and responding to bullying or retaliation. 

“Bullying” is defined in a very particular way, and our understanding of bullying and its impact has been growing over the past decade. 


Is it bullying?

When someone says or does something hurtful and they do it once…..That MAY be considered DISRESPECTFUL.

When someone says or does something hurtful and they do it once

or both parties are equally being hurtful…….That IS DISRESPECTFUL.

When someone says or does something verbally, physically, or written/electronically that hurts someone, continues the behavior even when told to stop or shown that the person being targeted is upset, and has a perceived power imbalance over the target…


Ways to report Bullying Incidents

The best way to report Bullying Incidents is to talk with a Trusted Adult. This person will follow-up with building administration.

Other options include:

  • Report the Incident to a Building Administrator
  • Contact the district Civil Rights Representative - the Superintendent
  • Fill out the Online Bullying Incident Reporting Form

Sandwich Public Schools 

What you should expect next after contacting administration, or submitting the form?

Upon receipt of a report or a completed form, the School Principal, Assistant Principal, or designee will be in touch with families who submitted a form with contact information. All reports will be investigated.

Administrators cannot follow up with anonymous reporters. Anonymous concerns will be investigated but there should not be an expectation of disciplinary action based solely on the anonymous report. 

Parent resources re: Bullying

The Sandwich School Committee has adopted a number of policies that guide the schools’ and the district’s response to incidents of discrimination or harassment


Reporting Harassment or Discrimination

Sandwich Public School District is committed to the belief that every student has the right to learn in an environment that is free from violence, harassment, and discrimination, including that based on a person’s race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability. If the characteristics of the targeted person's identity are involved in the incident, we ask that you fill out the Discrimination and Harassment Incident Reporting Form.

Sandwich Public Schools 

What you should expect next after contacting administration, or submitting the form?

Upon receipt of a report or a completed form, the School Principal, Assistant Principal, or designee will be in touch with families who submitted a form with contact information. All reports will be investigated.

Administrators cannot follow up with anonymous reporters. Anonymous concerns will be investigated but there should not be an expectation of disciplinary action based solely on the anonymous report. 


Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The Sandwich Public Schools District is continuously striving to create and maintain school environments free of discrimination, harassment or retaliation based on race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, ethnicity,  sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, economic disadvantage, homelessness, learning differences or other disabilities.  View our statement on DEI here.

If you feel that you may have been discriminated against in school by being subjected to bullying or hate speech due to your race, color, sexual or affectional preference, disability or ancestry, the Barnstable County Human Rights Advisory Commission may be able to help you.

Lou Cerrone is the Sandwich Liaison to the Advisory Commission. Call or text him at (774)238-9904, or email him at [email protected] if you think you may have been subjected to unlawful discrimination. All communications with him will remain confidential.
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