Health Services

Online Inservice Programs:

These are two annual, separate, brief, self-paced in-service programs for all school district staff.

They are designed to give an overview to increase the awareness and improve the safety of all staff and students. A quick post test follows the program.

Blood Borne Pathogens Online In-service

An annual in-service review of Universal Precautions is mandated for all employees by both OSHA and Sandwich School Policy. Learn how to protect yourself and students from Blood Borne Pathogens. This in-service also includes a review of the reporting forms and procedures.

Life Threatening Allergies Online In-service

The Sandwich School district currently has over 60 students with Life Threatening Allergies (LTA). Anyone of these students could have a reaction at anytime, so our staff must be aware of the signs and symptoms of a reaction and the emergency plan in place to help the student. Fatalities in schools have occurred when help or medication has been delayed. Also keep in mind that anyone can develop a serious allergy at anytime, so an overview of allergies is helpful for all staff even when they do not have a student with a known LTA in their class.

Health Service Forms

Food for Curriculum Instruction - Elementary (Gr. K-6)

Food For Curriculum Instruction - Middle / High School (Gr. 7-12)

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